Saturday, August 11, 2012

Do you need the new iPad?


It's nice to be back, I'm sorry I haven't made a post in a while, but I got a great article for you today. So if anybody saw the new iPad or got the new iPad this article is for you! So one of the main improvements that has been made to the new iPad is a Retina Display. A lot of you are saying "What in the world does that mean? Does that mean is has a retina of a eye?". No but it means that your going to be able to see some wonderful graphics on your new iPad. The new iPad has a resolution of 2048x1536, that means it has four times the number of pixels in the iPad 2, and a million more than an HDTV. You can't get any better than that, now your saying "Well come on there has got to be something more than just a better screen?". And now we move on to the improved camera, comparing to the iPhone 4S camera at eight megapixels the new iPad has an astonishing five megapixel camera with improved optics as in the iPhone 4S. So how does this improved optic make the iPad any better? The improved optic allows for more light to come in, which allows you to take a better photo. This five megapixel camera within the new iPad now allows you to take 1080p video. If your planning to take your iPad on the go and be able to check your e-mail, surf the web, or even watch videos, you may want to get a 4G LTE version. Now you have the choice of choosing between AT&T or Verizon. Note, that yes they both networks have 4G LTE capabilities depending on where your located. It may seem that these upgrades are pointless, or are not worth getting the new iPad. Depending on what you make use of your iPad, determines whether you may or may not need these upgrades. In all honesty I take as much use of my iPad as I can, I try to see everyday after I download apps whether or not I need them. Once a month I go to each of my folders and see within that month which apps I really used and took use of, and which apps I don't use and think about deleting them and think if i'm going to really use this app. The new iPad has a lot to offer, for those who need it. All in all the new iPad can be a great thing to take use of, whether you use your iPad for work, or even the home office. I can't wait to hear about your stories about how you use and take care of your iPad.

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